Milkface Nursingwear Inc

What's new and on my mind at milkface

Sunday, August 10, 2008

So discouraged today...

On the heels of the H&M incident in Vancouver, I was saddened and discouraged to read of the flight attendant on WestJet who repeatedly asked a breastfeeding mom to cover up. While it is conceivable that not every front line employee is aware of the laws on breastfeeding in public, WestJet's corporate response is shameful and their contention that the flight attendant's request was "reasonable" shows a deliberate disregard for the laws involved and disrespect for mothers.

As the owner of Canada's first breastfeeding boutique and a proud lactivist, I am further upset by the fact that I recently purchased two non-refundable plane tickets from WestJet for an upcoming business trip. I am ashamed to have money earned from my business in the pockets of a company who feels that the potential discomfort caused to other pasengers by the possibility of a momentary glance of a woman's breast while baby is latching on is more important than the legal and human right of that baby to be fed.

Not a good day in Canada for breastfeeding :(