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A great local photographer has blogged about us and posted some great pictures of our store - check it out here!
What's new and on my mind at milkface
A great local photographer has blogged about us and posted some great pictures of our store - check it out here!
Down in Virigina, they've developed a pro-breastfeeding commercial with a twist, the focus is on mom losing weight! It's an innovative way to reach moms but does it go too far? For one thing, weight loss is no guarantee with breastfeeding. Though it's a fact that breastfeeding burns about 500 calories a day, it doesn't translate into dropping pounds for all women. Some of us hang onto those pounds until our babies are weaned, some of us keep them for the next pregnancy! Secondly, does this play too much into our "thin is best" culture? What's wrong with carrying a little extra weight? Recent studies seem to show that a little extra weight is fine - that it's cardiovascular health that is most important when figuring out health and longevity.