Website Woes :(
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians! We enjoyed a delicious meal and some much needed down time with family yesterday. With it being Thanksgiving here and Columbus Day in the States (do you say Happy Columbus Day? Probably not....) it's been a slow weekend business wise. Normally that would not be a good thing but I think this weekend it may be a blessing in disguise! We launched a new website on Friday (yes, great timing, the Friday before the long weekend!) and it's beautiful and I love it but, wow, I've been having nothing but trouble with it. I didn't realize you had to wait 24-48 hours for all the ISP's to pick up the new website and my ISP, Rogers, seems to be having particular issues with doing so. It picked up the new website on Saturday, and then the old website all day Sunday and today - nothing...yikes! I know there are some of you out there who have access to the website as I'm getting e-mails and phone calls about it but I can't get to it! I'm trying to remain very zen about this as it's a holiday Monday and there's not much that can be done until tomorrow but I'm discovering I'm not so great about being zen!