Who Could Use A Helping Hand Right Now?
We have too much stock. After an incredible Boxing Week Sale we continue to have a number of items that we just don't have the space to display to try to sell. It is time to give it away.
We are looking for organizations or groups that would benefit from the receipt of brand new, first quality nursing fashions and an assortment of nursing bras.
The recipient organization(s) should be involved in the promotion of breastfeeding, have a financial need for the items, and be able to disseminate the donated goods to those in need at no charge to the recipient mothers.
We have about 75 articles in various sizes (but mostly larges and smalls) and would like to send it out to no more than 3 groups/organizations. These items have a retail value of over $6000.
If you represent or know of such an organization, please let us know how they would benefit from this donation. We will select recipients on January 16, 2009 and hope to get the items out right away.
How can we help you help others?
I am a Lactation Educator for an organization in Winnipeg, MB, that encourages and supports breastfeeding. I am proud to say that we have a 97% breastfeeding initiation rate with the moms we support, mostly single, low socio-economic teens.
I would love to be able to give some of these useful and cool things to our mamas if they are still available. You can learn more about us at www.villarosa.mb.ca
I can be contacted at cindy@villarosa.mb.ca
Thank you for the work you do!
~ Cindy
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