Ask Andy and Britt

Who are we? Britt and Andy (that's our smiling faces in the cheesy picture to the left!)are a married couple living in Ottawa, Ontario with 3 daughters - aged 7, 4 and 4 (yes, twins!). Britt is the founder of Milkface Nursingwear, Andy has recently joined the company. What can you ask us? Well, we've got opinions on everything! Ask us about breastfeeding, ask us about parenting, ask us about running a business, ask us about milkface products, ask us about babywearing - surprise us!
Today's question - What's it like working with your partner?
Andy says: Hi. My name is Andy and I work with my wife. I left a successful real estate practice with five years of award winning achievements, at the peak of a strong market to do so. Before we start 12 step treatment, I'll tell you why I went where others fear to go.
I have been working with my wife since the day I met her. Our relationship is natural and rewarding but to say it has been effortless would be delusional fantasy - it's been work. Life goals, family planning, household finances, and daily interactions all require effort. It often feels easy because we work well together, employing complimentary skill sets to achieve, and often surpass, our mutual and individual goals. There have been days when it was a challenge but I have never had a day when I woke up without being thankful that I have this job and that I work with the best partner anyone could ask for. When the opportunity to extend our working relationship into the conventional workplace became available it was an easy choice and one without regret. We are early in our new working relationship but it seems to be as fulfilling and rewarding as the one we started the day we met. I like working with my wife and look forward to where this new dynamic will take us.
Britt says:Andy and I met when we were working together (and I imagine that's the same for many of you!) and in some ways, it feels like we've been working together ever since. Parenting our 3 girls is definitely a labour of love and we are partners in that.
Working together at Milkface was always part of our master plan. Andy's role was always a bit hazy (what will a man do with breastfeeding moms?!) but we're figuring it out. As the business has grown, we've discovered a need for concentration on things like marketing and expansion that Andy can do just as well, if not better, than I. I'm really grateful that we're growing a true family business and hope that the girls will join us in it in time.
Working together means there's never a true seperation of work and home - if one of us has a great idea at midnight, our business partner is right there to discuss it. On the flip side, when we have a rare night out, business talk is hard to shelve!
I would say that working with your spouse is a lot like being married to your spouse - wonderful, frustrating, enjoyable, maddening with lots of up and downs!
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